Elon Musk recently used his preferred social media platform, X, to address inquiries from his followers. The most recent development from his series of messages pertains to the highly-anticipated Tesla Cybertruck.
In a post on X, he suggested that Tesla, his electric vehicle company, may offer a “scratch-resistant” coating option for the Cybertruck. This electric pickup truck could potentially receive a coating as robust as diamond hardness to prevent key scratches and more. Musk responded to a fan’s comment that those attempting to scratch a Cybertruck would be harming their keys. He mentioned, “We might consider providing an optional tungsten carbide coating, essentially impervious to scratches up to diamond hardness.”
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Although Tesla’s website currently addresses the Cybertruck’s exterior toughness and durability, stating it’s “constructed with an outer shell designed for ultimate durability and passenger safety,” and mentions its robust structural components and Tesla armor glass, Musk appears inclined to take things a step further with the forthcoming EV lineup. Tesla is scheduled to commence Cybertruck deliveries in the coming weeks during a delivery event.