Half-A-Mil - Also Known As, Album Review

DOM KENNEDY and Hit-Boy Release “Also Known As”

The dynamic duo known as Half-A-Mil release their latest project.

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Whenever we receive a new Half-a-mil project, we get straight heat, this is what we know. DOM KENNEDY and Hit-Boy are three for three with these projects and today, the duo return with “Also Known As”. The project features 11 tracks with three noted features. We find Nas, 03 Greedo and 24hrs credited as features on the project. The production comes from Hit-Boy, John G Beats and a few others.

If you know anything about the Half-A-Mil projects are that they are some of the best projects we’ve heard from either of the artists. They bring out the best in each other. Let’s see if we get that same energy on their latest offering. You can listen to “Also Known As” below and let us know how you feel about in the comments section below. Lastly, for more music news, Derek Pope Zones Out in New Track “Picture Perfect”.


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