Netflix has shared the official trailer for The Redeem Team. The upcoming documentary chronicles the 2008 men’s national basketball team’s quest to secure an Olympic gold medal. Produced by LeBron James and Dwyane Wade, the documentary tells the “untold story” of a star-studded team that included James, Wade, Kobe Bryant, Carmelo Anthony, Chris Paul, and several other All-Stars.
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After winning three consecutive Olympic gold medals from 1992 to 2000, USA Basketball underwent a transition phase that led to several losses that were tough to swallow. Underwhelming performances in the 2002 FIBA World Championships and the 2003 Tournament of the Americas were precursors to a disappointing third-place finish in the 2004 Olympics. Despite boasting some of the best players in the world, the 2004 team lost to Argentina in the semifinal.
The embarrassing performance in Athens in 2004 forced USA Basketball to change its approach. Led by a roster that featured eleven NBA All-Stars, two NBA MVPs, as well as a Hall of Fame coach, the 2008 Olympic team didn’t set out to just win – they wanted to dominate. Fittingly, the squad was nicknamed The Redeem Team – a play on the 1992 Dream Team. With Kobe Bryant serving as captain, the team steamrolled the competition en route to a gold medal in Beijing. The squad went 8-0 with an astounding +223-point differential.
The Redeem Team documentary arrives on Netflix on October 7. You can also watch the official trailer in the player above. As always, be sure to let us know your thoughts in the comments section below!
Lastly, in case you missed it, Check Out the First Teaser Trailer for ‘Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery’.